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اختبارات في اللغه الانجليزيه

اذهب الى الأسفل

اختبارات في اللغه الانجليزيه Empty اختبارات في اللغه الانجليزيه

مُساهمة من طرف ouarzazate.ayoub الخميس يوليو 31, 2014 12:17 am

-ALCPT)-(American **************** Course Placement Test)
1- The instructor asked "Are you going to the dance? The student said "I'd like to, but I have to study." What did the Student mean?
a. He will go. b. He can't go.
c. He finished the studies. d. He likes to study.

2- Lt. Jhones was told to report to the commander at 1:15.
When does he have to be there?
a. at 1005 b. at 1315
c. at 1515 d. at 1615

3- You should consult your dictionary. What should you do it?
a. put it on the desk b. look up words in it
c. put a new cover on it d. correct it

4- Bob has a new bench vice in his word shop. What does he use it for?
a. for measuring lengths b. for painting boards
c. for folding objects d. for sharpening tools

5- Bober is going to New York by plane. What is Bober planning to do?
a. buy a plane b. sell a plane
c. travel on a plane d. find an old plane

6- What color is your coat?
a. red b. wool
c. rain d. small

7- I heard the men talking about the snack bar. What were they talking about?
a. a list of telephone numbers b. a new medicine
c. a group of workers d. a place to eat

8- What month comes right after July?
a. April b. June
c. August d. September

9- If jack has an appointment with the dentist. What is probable the matter with him?
a. He has a stomach-ache. b. He has a toothache.
c. His feet hurt him. d. His eyes hurt him.

10- Lesson 1 is easier than lesson 2. Which lesson is less difficult to learn?
a. lesson one b. lesson two
c. They are the same d. Both are the difficult.

1.b 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.c 6.a 7.d 8.c 9.b 10.a


11- Ellisa asked " What is your given name ?" What does she want to know?
a. Your brother's name b. Your father's name
c. your mother's name d. Your name

12- The Clerk said "I don't think this suit need any alteration" What did the clerk mean by alteration?
a. cleaning b. price tags c. buttons d. changes

13- If the teacher asks you a question. What should you do ?
a. close the door b. follow him c. answer it d. look at them

14- They are going to Chicago by jet. How will they get to Chicago?
a. They will fly. b. They will walk.
c. They will run. d. They will drive.

15- Today is Friday I'll see Mary tomorrow. When will I see Mary?
a. yesterday b. on Saturday c. with George d. at the office

16- Why did Sam go to the airport?
a. to board the ship b. to get a haircut
c. to see the factory d. to meet his friend's plane

17- What is a mail box used for?
a. stamping packages b. depositing letters
c. filing envelopes d. collecting stamps

18- Tom was pleased with the acceleration of the car. What was he pleased with?
a. the ability to speed up b. the color of the car
c. the slowing-down action d. the stopping action

19- My friend lives in a spacious house. Where does he live?
a. in a large house b. in a small house
c. in a crowded house d. in a busy house

20- John bought a new horn for his car. What did he buy?
a. a directional light b. a new headlight
c. a spare tire d. a warning device

21- Mr. Jones said "I hope Henry will get in touch with me".
What does Mr. Jones want Mr. Henry to do?
a. like him b. remember him c. contact him d. forget him

22- Sam glanced through the book. What did he do?
a. He got it at a store. b. He read it slowly.
c. He looked at for a long time. d. He read it quickly.

11.d 12.d 13.c 14.a
15.b 16.d 17.b 18.a 19.a 20.d
21.c 22.d


23. Bill said "That wire is not insulated" What did he mean?
a. The wire is not good. b. The wire is not covered for protection.
c. The wire is not carrying electricity. d. The wire is not visible.

24. Who used this book originally?
a. Who used this book first ? b. Who wants to use this book ?
c. Who used this book frequently ? d. Who will be using this book?

25. How far is it to the school?
a. Classes begin at eight o'clock. b. Only young children go to school there.
c. The school is three miles from here. d. The school is closed for the day.

Directions for questions 26-50. You will now hear statements on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

26- On Saturday's the traffic is heavy down town.
a. There are many people downtown. b. Many people are walking on Saturday.
c. There are many cars on the streets. d. There are many lights on the streets

27- The air in this room is invisible.
a. It can't be seen. b. It is cool.
c. It is not humid. d. It is warm

28- John noticed the crooked line.
a. He saw it. b. He made it.
c. He moved it. d. He cut it.

29- This ********l is flexible.
a. It is easily bent. b. It is very hard.
c. It is bright. d. It is heavy.

30- This radio function is properly.
a. It plays too loudly. b. It needs repair.
c. It's in good condition. d. It's a cheap radio.

31- The main speaker for the convention is a famous person.
a. He is well known. b. He is not known.
b. He does not know anyone. d. He is a dangerous person.

32- The teacher introduced a new student to the class.
a. He left a new student in class. b. He found a new student in class.
c. He registered a new student. d. He presented a new student.

23.b 24.a 25.c 26.c 27.a 28.a 29.a 30.c 31.a 32.d

33- The carpenter is drilling in the board.
a- He is driving nails in the board. b. He is making holes in it.
c. He is sawing the board. d. He is plugging holes.

34- He hears a strange noise.
a. He hears a highway noise. b. He hears an unfamiliar noise.
c. He hears a familiar noise. d. He hears a low sound.

35- I am going to purchase this car.
a. I want to sell this car. b. I will buy this car.
c. I will follow this car. d. I have bought this car.

36- On his way home Bill ran into John at the drug store.
a. Bill called John. b. Bill hurt John.
c. Bill telephoned John. d. Bill met John.

37- The lights are blinking.
a. The lights are not working properly. b. They are colored.
c. The lights are turned off completely. d. They are going on and off.

38- We eat a variety of vegetables every day.
a. We eat different kinds of vegetables daily.
b. We always eat the same vegetables.
c. We eat vegetables with our meat every day.
d. We eat only one vegetable every day.

39- We were very fortunate to get tickets for the game.
a. There were may tickets for sale. b. We were lucky to get them.
c. We could not get the tickets. d. There were no more games.

40- Mr. James is a commercial pilot.
a. The airlines pay him for flying. b. He flies for the Air Force.
c. He flies for sport. d. He sells airplanes.

41- Dug is an eager worker.
a. He is afraid of work. b. He likes to work.
c. He works slowly. d. He is a poor worker.

42- Smith looked up his friend.
a. He left a message for them. b. He saw them on the bus.
c. He visited them. d. He wrote them some letters.

43- I feel weak today.
a. I'm old. b. I'm not angry.
c. I'm rich. d. I'm not strong.

44- I'll give you ring sometime after seven o'clock tonight.
a. I'll ring the door bell. b. I'll visit you.
c. I'll call on you. d. I'll telephone you.

33.b 34.b 35.b 36.d 37.d 38.a 39.b 40.a 41.b 42.c
43.d 44.d


45- Lee sent a letter to his mother.
a. He mailed a letter.
b. He and his mother send a letter.
c. His mother sent him a letter.
d. The letter was written by his mother.

46- The student failed the examination
a. He passed it easily. b. He wasn't successful.
c. He hasn't taken it yet. d. He cheated on it.

47- Johnson went to the post office and cashed his money order.
a. He got some stamps. b. He deposited some money.
c. He mailed his money order. d. He obtained some money

48- The wire is twisted.
a. It is broken. b. It is polished.
c. It is not straight. d. It is insulated.

49- This sentence looks like a puzzle.
a. It looks very easy. b. I solved it easily.
c. I don't understand it. d. It's not too difficult.

50- Mr. Bell said "please give me some soap".
a. He wants to sell some soap. b. He wants to give some soap.
c. He wants some soap from me. d. He wants no soap from anyone.

Directions for questions 51-60. You will hear dialog on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

51- What did the doctor say Bill ? He told me that "cut out the smoking" What did the doctor tell Bill ?
a. to quit smoking. b. to reduce his smoking.

c. that he didn't need to smoke regularly. d. that he could continue smoking.

52- Susie would you rather go to the movies or the skating rink ?
I like to skate but I'd rather go to the movies. What did she mean?
a. She likes roller skating better. b. She has no choice.
c. She prefers the movies d. She doesn't like either on

53- How is your son doing in school ? He is highly motivated in his studies.
What did the woman say about her son ?
a. He is very unhappy with his studies. b. He has no great interest in his studies.
c. He wants to change courses. d. He is very interested in his studies.

45.a 46.b 47.d 48.c 49.c 50.c 51.a 52.c 53.d

63- Jones has only a few days to learn to drive.
a. He will need a lot of time. b. He has little time left.
c. He has studied every day d. He has many days.

64- Clark has a lot of friends.
a. no b. a few c. many d. five




المساهمات : 269
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/07/2014

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